A Need for the Spirit

I've been trying to overcome a particular sin, but half the time, I just don't care about it. While I know intellectually that it's wrong, it doesn't seem like a big deal right now, and it was enjoyable. So I kept doing it. Over the last few days, I've been remembering "I'm teaching in Church on Sunday, and I want to have the Spirit with me", or "I want to attract such-and-such girl, so I want to have the Spirit with me", or "I want to teach better, so I want to have the Spirit with me." So I've been deciding recently to do things that would invite the Holy Ghost into my life a little bit more - studying the Book of Mormon a little bit more and a little bit deeper, discussing a few more spiritual topics with friends, attending the temple a little bit more, and resisting temptation a little better. Today, I spent the time during the Sacrament Hymn to actually prepare for the Sacrament. I got to see the consequences today when I taught in Sunday School about Service and people made comments about service being an opportunity to become like God and to live like Jesus Christ. It showed service being something higher and holier than I had thought about it before preparing for this lesson. A lot of people thanked me for the lesson (much more than I expected) and complimented me on my teaching ability. I'm very grateful the Spirit was with me during that lesson.


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