A Cure for Apathy

When I woke up, I felt apathetic. I just didn't care about anyone or anything. It's kind of weird for an extrovert to feel that level of apathy.
I showed up to a Ward Mission Correlation Meeting, where we discussed how to help people become more active in the Church. I gave a lot of input on how I think we should be going about the work of reactivation, and oddly enough they listened to me. Even more odd: Our Ward Mission Plan now includes a lot of non-Church related activities. For example, the movie nights I started holding last night is now part of the Ward Mission Plan. Yeah, they actually assigned me to keep doing movie nights exactly as I had planned and they (and I) will be inviting people to the movie nights who like movies, including the people who need to come back into the Church. But I wasn't doing any of this to help people. I was just saying my opinions to get my opinions across about what I think a Ward Mission Plan should and shouldn't be.
During that Ward Mission Correlation Meeting, I thought "Why would I even bother bringing people back into the Church? It's not like -" and then I stopped myself when I remembered, "I've been my happiest when I've been living the gospel." That feeling progressed when I was singing the Sacrament hymn ("As Now We Take the Sacrament" - one of my favorite Sacrament hymns). As I sang words like "Forgiveness is a gift from Thee we seek with pure intent" and "we pray for courage to accept thy will, to listen and obey", I felt reminders that I actually do care about this gospel and I want to keep the commandments. I took the Sacrament in an attempt to witness unto the Father that I'm willing to keep His commandments and take upon me the name of Christ.


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