Bottom of the Barrel

It's hard to blog about something unique to that day that has a profound point when days get more and more similar to each other. Part of the theme of the movie Groundhog Day is that people do experience times when they feel like every day is the same. Because of that, I've considered posting this exact blog post 3 times before. And it's been less than a month. But I haven't posted it, because each time, I've thought of something that was unique about that day that linked the events together.
Today had the opposite problem. I did a lot of things that were out of the ordinary for me today - driving to Pleasant Grove to help out a guy from my Ward, getting free ice cream from Wendy's (although that's pretty normal), almost running out of battery on the way home leaving me to rely on my memory for navigation, filming a series of successful takes for an instructional video, taking about 25 minutes to transfer the footage onto Google Drive (that's actually kinda normal) - but very little had a common thread.
Although I'm still curious if anyone is reading this. I'm actually hoping no one is reading this. I've said some stuff here that I hope isn't actually read, particularly about dating. But I'd be surprised if anyone's reading this. I've been wondering since I started blogging if I could just put up the blog post from the opening few minutes of The Social Network. It's plagiarism for sure, and I wouldn't actually do it. But I always wonder if anyone would even notice.
Anyway, there's my post about having nothing to say, not because today was so bland, but because there were so many different things going on today that I can't connect them with a single thread tonight.
I'll give you a connected thread tomorrow.


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