Commercial Music

I was walking out of a piano lesson when I saw... donuts.
Don't worry. That was not the best part of the day. I don't actually like food as much as I make it sound, but it's a good thing to make a joke about.
Either way, the donuts weren't for me. They were for the people at the Commercial Music Expo, a program I'd tried to sign up for, but it was full anyway. I'm working toward that program at BYU, so I figured I might as well ask: "Is this for people who are already in the program or people who are working toward the program?" I hoped to lead to the question "Is this Expo essential to getting into the program", but couldn't ask that before the person in charge replied, "If you want to just join in, we had a few people who didn't show up...". So I got to attend about 3 hours of the Commercial Music Expo I wanted to get into in the first place.
One of the panels was headed by the Department Head for Commercial Music, Ron Saltmarsh. Dr. Saltmarsh said that while the entrance is limited to 10 applicants a year (out of their 80-100 applicants), there is a "back door": You can get accepted to another Music program and then change your major to Commercial Music and the acceptance rate is much higher.
I was also inspired to write more music and to record more frequently so I can get more prepared for the Commercial Music program.
The Spirit frequently speaks to me when I think "I might as well". I know this was guided by the Spirit so I can be more prepared for this program and so that I can get into this program easier.


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