
I don't usually celebrate holidays. I don't see the point in taking time out of my normal life to do all the traditions when I don't have time for any of the traditions. As selfish as it sounds, I celebrate them in whatever ways are most beneficial to me, so whichever ways offer free food. I also celebrate them in whatever ways are culturally imperative: I need to buy Christmas presents (and why not take advantage of an opportunity to give someone a meaningful, thoughtful gift?).
Today was the most I've celebrated a holiday in at least a year and a half. Parade in the morning, listening to Hamilton and School House Rock later on in the day, not being able to attend a commercial event because it was shut down, and meeting with a friend for a picnic with her family and fireworks. I even shared Lessons from the Screenplay's video about the movie Independence Day on Facebook and a couple funny memes about Independence Day.
It honestly felt a little weird to start Independence Day right when I woke up. I'm used to Independence Day starting just before sunset when people start eating hamburgers and hot dogs, then shooting off fireworks in front of their houses. (By the way, I'm used to Christmas starting around 8:00 and ending around 10:00. Anything after that feels like stretching out the holiday with more traditions we should have been doing for the rest of the month.) Today, Independence Day was the entire day except for a few minutes of homework and a little while of recording-turned-rehearsal.
Frankly, I didn't see anything better about celebrating the holiday through the entire day than celebrating it for only a few hours. I got tired of the parade before it was even done. Having stuff shut down was really inconvenient. And meeting up with the friend around 6:00 when I could have met up with her around 8:00 when the sun was actually going down cut into time that I needed to spend on other things. I'd just rather do my work and go out to be around people than follow all the traditions I never liked following anyway. If my future wife wants to follow a tradition, we can. I'm just not going to put in the work to suggest a tradition (unless I found they were really helpful).


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