
During our Writing class, we talked quite a bit about narrowing topics down to sub-topics - narrowing from "Immigration" to "The DREAM Act", from "A.I." to "A.I. drones for military and medical purposes", and from "Film" to "Creative control for film directors". That narrowing turned out to be a theme throughout the rest of the day.
Story time.
On my way out of the Taco Bell on Campus, I picked up some mild sauce packets, the ones that have playful (sometimes flirtatious) messages on them. One of them said "I think you're pretty", so I took it with me, intending to give it to a girl. I saw a cute girl on my way out of lunch and opened the conversation by giving it to her and saying "This is for you." She really appreciated it and we started talking about our majors and our loves for music. I got her phone number and texted her later on in the day. Oddly enough, she actually responded. I was really surprised to see her text back after an opener with a Taco Bell packet, but it wasn't so much about what the opener was as how I presented myself afterward. I really want to put on a dating seminar for Mormons.
But when it came to narrowing myself down: After I asked if I could call her sometime tonight or tomorrow (I had the intention to ask her on a date, though I never revealed this intention), I went to the temple, where I had time to reflect on my actions. I realized that while she is great, she's not what I'm looking for, and God had to tell me several times "Do not ask that girl out."
Similarly, when I left the temple, I found a conversation continuing with a girl I've been flirting with for the last few weeks. She and I got into a DTR in the process and we both decided that while we like each other a lot, we both feel wrong about the possibility of that relationship, so we finally decided it was time to just be friends. Neither of us really understand why, but we have to narrow things down to not dating each other.


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