How to Stay Inside Without Going Crazy

Back home, I warned people that if I spend an entire day inside, I get depressed. I need people that badly.
Today, I looked at my schedule and saw that since my only lesson outside the house got cancelled, I would be spending the entire day indoors, so I decided that tonight's blog post would be titled "How to Stay Inside Without Going Crazy".
For introverts, this is entirely unnecessary, but for someone as extroverted as me, it could help.
I found that being busy is important, but it doesn't completely replace going outside and being with people.
If I want to replace going outside and being around people, I have to bring them to me.
Sometimes, I brought them to me virtually. I had a few phone calls with friends, a Skype lesson, and a call from Dad where he checked up on how things are going on my end.
Sometimes, I brought them to me physically: The bi-weekly movie night tonight was at my house. Only 2 people came, but that was enough.
Sometimes, it was just over text, but this one is never enough. I need to hear their voices, see them, interact with them in more real time, anything more than text. I don't know what it is about texts, but as convenient as they are, they're never enough. Recently, I've started calling people more and texting less. I'm going to increase my calling-to-texting ratio.
I did what I couldn't do back home: Stay inside all day without going crazy.


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