It's Time to Manage Time

After staying up until 3:30 last night, I woke up around 9:30 for my 10:00 class. I rushed to Campus, where I found that people had sent the papers to me that they were supposed to. So I rushed to the library, printed off the papers, and rushed into class, where we discussed those papers. I hadn't read them yet, so I was reading them while discussing them. It turned out well, but should have turned out better.
The problem was: I didn't get to shower before class. My hair looked bad and I kind of stank. I didn't expect that would be a problem. Until I started a conversation with a beautiful girl on the way out of class. Then I realized "I really do need to get up early enough to shower every day, because I never know when I'll run into a conversation like this and I want to be ready."
A few minutes later, I found that I had completely overlooked a lesson with a new student. That's the second time this week.
With both those issues, I decided it was time to stop doing those things that kept me up and start sticking to a stricter schedule.


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