Last Post

I'll still be writing in my journal after this, but it won't be about extroversion. It'll mostly be about spiritual topics and occasionally important events in my life. Extroversion is interesting and all, but not every day has an event that draws a conclusion about extroversion. But as I journaled about spiritual experiences every day, I found that every day has an event that draws a spiritual conclusions. I won't be writing about any spiritual experiences in today's blog post, because I had a spiritual experience that isn't appropriate to write about here. I'll write it where I'll treasure it more: my journal.
Two more last thoughts about extroversion before I leave to start writing in my journal again:
Whenever I was inside a building today, I was happy, because I was around people. But every time I left those buildings, I was happier, because I was around people and I could feel fresh air. I always said that I wasn't really interested in anything outdoors, but I realized today that fresh air makes me happy. Maybe I like nature a little more than I said I did.
Over the last few days, with racism and nazism being high on everyone's radars, I couldn't help but notice how much negativity was on Facebook, ranging from "This is the correct way to punch a Nazi" to "I'm ashamed to call America my country" (actual posts on my Facebook news feed). So my posts asked people to comment with positive things like things they're grateful for, things that are good about the world, and things that are good int heir lives. But this time, I realized I couldn't just keep unfollowing anyone who posted anything negative. Now that I think about it: If I keep doing that over the next few years, I won't have many people left on my Facebook news feed. And this is the perfect time for people to accept eternal truths like optimism, love for everyone, and hating the sin while loving the sinner. So instead of just posting those truths, I let them look like they were in response to the Charlottesville incident, then said that it wasn't about Charlottesville, it was about eternal truth. So instead of hiding from the negativity, I got to actively combat it. In the wake of Charlottesville, it looks like more and more people are trying to actively combat negativity and hate - including hate for the nazis and racists.


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