Podcasting by the Spirit
How do you discern whether an impression is of God?
Over the past few weeks and months, I've ruminated on the idea of starting up a podcast and YouTube series answering the question "Why do we like the music we like?"
After a little while, I got the forceful impression "Stop making that podcast."
Frankly, I couldn't put it down.
Or rather, the idea wouldn't put me down.
The idea kept bothering me, weighing on my mind. Occasionally, I would see something new that I needed to learn to make that podcast truly effective. Occasionally, I would hear a song and think "What would I say in my podcast about that?" And this week, it took up so much of my thoughts that I figured it must be the Holy Ghost having it weigh heavily on my mind.
First, because I've noticed God usually doesn't give me forceful impressions like "Stop making that podcast." The way He usually speaks to me is through simpler, calmer impressions like "I shouldn't be making that podcast", especially impressions to do good like "I should stop by the temple."
Second, because Preach My Gospel mentions that a subject occupying the mind and pressing upon the feelings is one way to recognize the Spirit (see the activity box on pages 94 and 95 where it says that D&C 128:1 is an example of a prompting by the Spirit).
By comparing it to the other impressions I've had and following the counsel of prophets and apostles about recognizing the Spirit, I got to recognize that this impression is from God.
I'm so excited to be starting this podcast.
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